
Additional Information

Optional Extras

Annual Inspection – £260 in accordance with the safety standard for children’s outdoor play equipment BSEN1176 supported with full written report.

Post Installation Inspection – £390 in accordance with the safety standard for children’s outdoor play equipment BSEN1176, supported with a full written report.

Definitions & Abbreviations

SGF* – Steel Ground Fixed – Steel plates are concreted into holes in the ground to which timber is fixed.


TGF* – Timber Ground Fixed – Timbers are concreted into holes in the ground.


SF* – Surface Fixing – Equipment is bolted directly on top of concrete.



Please familiarise yourself with the information below as the overall total of your quotation may be affected.

Minimum Delivery & Installation Charge – £865

Container from £924

Needed on site to store equipment before and during installation.

Foundation spoil

The volume of spoil generated should not be underestimated. It can be substantial, and you will need to plan for its disposal.

Removal of foundation spoil, pallets, packaging etc  from £462

If the above is not priced for, spoil, pallets and packaging will be left on site for you to arrange disposal of. Any spoil arising from the installation will be incorporated wherever possible within the construction of your play area.

Welfare Facilities from £350

Due to the requirements of the Health & Safety at Work Act, welfare facilities maybe required on site.  Charges for welfare facilities will be included in your quotation and are dependent on the size of the project.

Subject to a full Site Survey

Your quotation will be subject to a full site survey prior to order if you require delivery and installation but a plan has not been drawn.

Quotation assumes a level, soft dig site with easy access

Level site- Levels are suitable for the equipment selected as defined in the technical information for each item of equipment.

Soft Dig – Holes can be easily dug without the need for machinery such as ‘pneumatic breakers’ or digging through tree roots. E.g. not digging through concrete, rock or other hard material.

Easy access-  30 metres to walk from delivery/access point OR to carry down steps/through buildings. Vehicle access of more than 10 metres across grass/field is considered bad access, and a cost contingency must be allowed for the reinstatement of grass.

Setting Out/Technical Drawings to aid site preparation 

If you are preparing an area for your playground prior to a Playdale installation these drawings are essential to ensure the area is prepared correctly for the equipment and safety surfacing being installed. Costs may be incurred and/or BS EN 1176 safety areas may not be met if the site fails to meet our specification.

Site Survey to review/inspect site preparation – £260 plus any additional costs

If you are preparing your own groundwork or the preparation of groundwork is to be undertaken by others, a site survey by Playdale will need to be carried out to ensure that the groundwork has been prepared in accordance to our specification and in line with the requirements of BS EN 1176.  Should they fail to meet our specification additional costs may be incurred.

Recommended Safety Surfacing

In order to comply with the safety standards, the items in your quotation may require a safety surface.  We will be happy to provide a quotation upon request.

Wet Pour

If you are adding to, or repairing an existing Wet Pour surface we would advise that the new Wet Pour be in a contrasting colour to the existing Wet Pour.  This is because we cannot guarantee that colours will match if the same colour is used again. Please note that the Wet Pour binder is subject to a very slight yellowing upon UV exposure which can cause some colours to slightly alter in appearance.

Making any changes

Any changes made to your quotation may affect the overall cost. Prices quoted are assuming site will be the same as when surveyed by Playdale, if different at the time of installation extra costs may be incurred.