Swing Seats & Chains

Showing 1–9 of 16 results
Anti-Wrap Swing Assembly. Used on all Playdale anti-wrap swing units. Estimated delivery time 1 week.
Anti-Wrap Assembly (1 Unit)
Oilite Bronze Bush 20.4mm outside diameter. Used on all Playdale swings & bushed eyebolts up to 1990. Estimated delivery time 1 week.
Bush (Version 1)
Oilite Bronze Bush 22.1mm outside diameter. Used on all Playdale non anti-wrap swings & bushed eyebolts from 1990 onwards. Estimated delivery time 1 week.
Bush Current Size (Version 2)
Stainless steel chain used to connect Cradle Seat to all Playdale non anti-wrap Cradle Swing frames from 1998. 2 required per seat. Estimated delivery time 2 weeks.
Cradle Down Chain (Cradle Unit)
Black and orange rubber Cradle Seat. Used on Playdale Swings until December 2013. Estimated delivery time 1 week.
Cradle Seat
Plastic dome caps to cover nuts that secure steel bar to Playdale Cradle Swing. 2 required per seat. Estimated Delivery time 1 week.
Cradle Seat Cap
Cradle seat Crutch Straps (2 pack)
Flat Packed Cradle Seat. Can be used on all Playdale swing units. Estimated delivery time 1 week. Image shows chains - please note chains not included.
Flat Packed Cradle Seat
Flat Swing Seat Conversion Kit. Can be used on all Playdale swing units. Estimated delivery time 1 week.
Flat Swing Conversion Kit