Our brand new funding guide and workbook has been put together to assist you in securing funding for your playground project. It includes the following:
  • Before you apply - what steps you might need to take.
  • Make a plan - know what your aims are and how to achieve them.
  • Budgeting - keep your money worries at bay.
  • Ten tips to offer advice once you're ready to apply for funding.
  • Seven steps to guide you in how to structure your application or cover letter.
  • Funding sources - a list of National and Regional funders.

Funding inspiration

Persistence Pays Off For Playground Project

Persistence was key for a parish council in Rearsby as their determination was finally rewarded with funding for a new play area, delighting everyone in the community.

Chalgrove at Play Project is a Great Success

The play area at Chalgrove Village Hall was old, uninspriring and lifeless, so families in the area decided it was time to call for a change.

Cornwall Community Come Up Trumps

A small community in Cornwall pulled together and worked extremely hard to get a fantastic new Playdale play area for their village, proving that with hard work and dedication, anything is possible.

Lower Castledawson Community Association

Children of Castledawson are delighted with their exciting new play area, as the community came together to celebrate the grand opening.

Securing funding for your playground project can be a difficult, tiresome process and you may not know where to start. But don’t despair, we’re here to help you.

There are lots of funding providers and grants available for projects just like yours – you just need to know where to look and how to get the money!

Our UK & Ireland Funding Guide and Workbook is full of ideas to get you started on your funding mission. It gives you great advice throughout the whole process, from getting a team together to thanking your funding provider at your opening day.

Request a copy today and good luck.